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JawStand XP Portable Work Support Stand
Product #: 12-522
Every workshop can benefit from having a sturdy, near-indestructible, portable work stand like the Jawstand XP. With a 25-43" adjustable height and the ability to hold 220 lbs., and still position that load 2" from side to side with the Exact Positioning handle, it's perfect for staging woodworking projects as you install them. At 15 lbs. it's substantial enough to remain in place, but not so heavy that you can't easily move it around to different parts of your workshop or job site. The Jaw stand is perfect for to use with power tools, as stand for a miter saw, table saw, or planer. The attached clamp, secure fast action cam-lever, and 0-90° clamp bevel adjustment only adds to its functionality. You get a fully functional workshop when you get a Jaw stand.
71,850 Points
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